Saturday, January 10, 2009

Plagiarism in Research



Quality of higher education depends on the latest research trend in the universities and colleges. The research in higher education is drastically going down and it has to be arrested immediately. Indian higher education is growing quantitatively rather than qualitatively. The human resource minister ina recent conference of Indian University Vice chancellors made a sharp comment. He observed that “Higher Education has become a sick child”. This statement was not refuted by anyone of the Vice chancellors present there and they silently acknowledged it. Another shocking news is that none of our universities has been included in the top two hundred universities of the world. Yet another bitter truth is that the MNCs ( Multi-national Companies), the foreign job opportunities providing agencies in India demand world class quality from our students.

These MNCs are ready to provide jobs for all the Indian graduates and postgraduates but the pity is that they find only ten percent of them are employable. This is a deplorable condition and the falling of standard of Indian Education system has to be arrested immediately.

Our education system from LKG to University should undergo a sea-change. The solution for these problems lies in the findings of the latest research. Our research guides and scholars should change their mind set and try to find solutions for all the ills at various levels of the present education system.

The first sickness to be eradicated is the prevailing trend to plagiarize theses. Plagiarism has become a plague eating away the pith of the higher education. It has to be found out and condemned and punished severely.

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