Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ideas on Education

Education is for a sound mind in a sound body - Aristotle

Learning without thinking is labour lost - Confucius

There is teaching but no learning takes place - Latest Research finding

Today there is no relationship between thinking and learning - Research finding

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tips to Improve Spoken English

1. Learn the 44 sounds in English
2. Memorize English dialogues daily
3. Learn to practice them with your friends
4. In the classroom try to imitate the words of the teacher within yourself. This will help to improve your Spoken English,Technical English, and the subject simultaneously. This is the easiest way to improve your English within six months.
5. Listen to radio news daily and try to imitate the words and sentences with correct accent.This will help you to get fluency in English.
6. Listen to Hi-hit songs in English using ear phone and imitate.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Desire

To visit foerign Universities and describe my research in the field of education

My Innovations in the field of Education

1.Found out a new model of teaching

2. Made teaching of english Pronunciation easy for Indian Learners

3.Two new techniques are found out to learn and teach Spoken English

4.Now working on Speed Learning Techniques

Note: Any Publisher interested in publishing my books may contact me

My books for reading

I have authored the following books which are very useful for students and teachers.

1.Better Teaching of Spoken English

2Better Learning of Spoken English

3Empowering Teachers and Students for World-class Education

4. BPO Services.(Tamil)

5. Medical transcription(Tamil)

6. Improving the Thinking Habits of Students.(Tamil)

7. Homeopathy(Tamil)

8.Easy ways to Improve your English.(Tamil)

9.How to get success in learning (Tamil)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Thoughts 3

Learning is for thinking, innovating, experimenting, inventing new working models, publishing, and getting fame.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Thoughts-2

Computer speed wins the race.

My Thoughts-1

By motivation, I will be younger than you. Without motivation, you will be older than me.