Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Dr. S.Malaikkani, Professor of Education.

“Higher Education has become a sick child” said the Human Resources Minister in the V.Cs’ Conference and it was acknowledged by them. Another shocking news is that none of our universities has been included in the top two hundred universities of the world. The MNCs, the foreign job opportunities providing agencies in India, demand World Class quality from our students and they find that only ten percent of them are employable.
This is a deplorable condition and the falling of standard of Indian Education system has to be arrested immediately.

All our Education system from the L.K.G to University needs a complete overhaul. The solution for these problems lies in the findings of the latest research.. The pressing demand is for a sea change in the minds of the research guides and the research scholars. The first step to achieve it is to eradicate the prevailing trend to plagiarize theses. The second step is to follow the research methods taught by the great educationists like Aristole, Francis Bacon, Charles Darwin etc. The third step is to create a research bent of mind among the scholars. They should search for new ideas and synthesize them and create their own ideas and know how to innovate, experiment, invent and find out new theories or new working models.

The next step should be to improve the quality and style of their language use. The fifth step should be to provide guidance to publish their theses. The last step is to make them realize that research is a continuous and life-long process. These strategies will certainly enhance the quality of research in education.

Abstract of the paper to be presented in the International Conference on HIGHER EDUCATION AND GLOBALIZATION Organized by Department of Education, MTWU, Kodaikanal. Date:Feb. 23 & 24th , 2008.

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